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Fortnite Mothership Could Crash According To Leaks

Fortnite Mothership as well as Season 7 Aliens introduced a lot of new gameplay mechanics to battle against. Players fought against UFOs as often as they fought against each other. According to the latest Fortnite leaks, the Mothership is about to crash into a densely populated area of ​​the map, which could even erupt into an all-out war. The article talks about the latest leaks that suggest the Fortnite Mothership may be crashing in a densely populated area on the map.

Fortnite Mothership Could Crash According To Leaks

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Fortnite mothership could crash

Season 7 of Fortnite was released on June 8, 2021 and is almost about to end, yet still failing to bring us new surprise items in the current season. While season 7 still has time, the gaming community never fails to go ahead and get excited for what's next, namely some leaks about the game's mothership, as well as the aliens of Fortnite, which are no exception.

According to many popular data miners, some theories have leaked on social media that detail a conversation with Dr. Slone describing the IO's next move in terms of the mothership above the island. She states that "if everything works out the way I think it will, then Mothership's days of menacing flutter are numbered." The Mothership Kidnap feature has been made possible with a new point of interest:Kidnappers.

Fortnite Mothership Could Crash According To Leaks

Players have already started spotting UFOs that have come to Fortnite. These Fortnite UFOs aren't just objects players can see, they also interact with players on the Fortnite island. Players can get abducted by these UFOs and suffer special side effects that grant them in-game powers. Although not sure, the mothership could crash into one of the abduction zones. P> Fortnite Mothership Could Crash According To Leaks

Dr. Slone mentions that the ship will sink in an area with more people than she would like, a large place like Pleasant Park or Corny Complex may be ground zero for impact. He also continues to inform others, including local residents, to get rid of them so they don't interfere with the plan. Although there is something fishy happening that players are not yet aware of that could change the ongoing plot of the theme, no confirmation of the theory has yet been received.

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