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7 inspiring movies on Netflix that could change your life

Many of us have had moments in life that change the way we see everything. No matter how old you are or what your life is like, these moments can transform your world..

Sometimes just watching someone else go through these moments can be a learning experience. Seeing someone survive insurmountable odds or overcome impossible obstacles can give you a new perspective on life. That's why watching movies about these life-changing moments can be so powerful.

If you're interested in watching inspiring movies that are about the ups and downs that life throws at us, read on. As we explore seven movies that can change your life. For good and forever.

1. The Pursuit of Happiness [No Longer Available]

At the lowest point of his life, penniless and having lost his wife, Chris Gardner (Will Smith) and his young son (Jaden Smith) are playing basketball together. Jaden reveals to his father that his dream is to become a star basketball player one day. It's a dream that Chris immediately shoots down without thinking.

Seeing the downcast look on his son's face, Chris is shocked. He approaches his son, looks him straight in the eye and says:

It's a quote that sets the tone for this entire movie. The film begins with Chris Gardner narrating his own story. Telling the viewer of his hopes and dreams of making a fortune selling bone density scanners. It's a dream she believed in so much that she invested his and his wife's life savings into it. It's also a dream that failed miserably, leaving Chris penniless, wifeless, and ultimately homeless.

With only his son by his side and a few dollars in his pocket, Chris embarks on a new dream:to become a rich stockbroker...

The lesson: By the end of this movie, you'll see how true it is that no matter how hard it is, if you believe in a dream, and you're willing to work hard at it 5 Signs You're Working Too Hard (And How To Fix Them) 5 Signs You're Working Too Hard you're working too hard (and how to fix them) Do you have an insatiable desire to work? Here are some of the signs to recognize this ailment and how you can overcome it. Read More

2. Shawshank Redemption [No Longer Available]

If you think your life is hard, imagine finding out that your wife is having an affair. So imagine finding out that your wife has been murdered. And to drive one last nail into your coffin, imagine that you are then falsely convicted and sent to prison for her murder..

This is exactly what happened to the character Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), at the beginning of this compelling film about hope, friendship and what it means to be. “institutionalized”.

Andy Dufresne struggles at first to adjust to life behind bars. Sometimes the aggressive assaults and violence that he faces will make you wonder why we have included this movie in this list..

However, Andy's friend Red (Morgan Freeman) provides him with the advice and guidance he needs to survive in the face of impossible odds. Little does Red realize that it is actually Andy who is going to teach him the most important lesson of his life:the meaning of the word “hope”.

The lesson: Even in the most extreme circumstances, if you can keep your hope in hope, you can get through anything.

3. Bridget Jones's Diary [No Longer Available]

If you think you're a hopeless romantic, just wait until you meet Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger) in this lovable comedy about a bumbling career woman who hopes to turn her life around in the New Year by writing in the journal How to Create a Newspaper Habit. with 7 Simple Templates How to Start a Journaling Habit with 7 Simple Templates If you have a journaling template, you have one big advantage:you don't have to figure out what to write! Templates save time and also reduce startup friction. Read more.

As you narrate each day's journal entry, you'll shudder at the sight of poor Bridget struggling with a valiant effort to lose weight, her embarrassing attempts to flirt with her boss, and her shocking realization that she's caught in a love triangle.

Two men reveal their love to Bridget, and by the end of the movie, you too will fall in love with poor Bridget.

The lesson: No matter how pathetic you think you are, there is always someone out there who will find something about you to fall in love with.

4. The Truman Show

Did you ever feel like your life was just a sitcom? The 15 Best Sitcoms You Can Watch On Netflix The 15 Best Sitcoms You Can Watch On Netflix Sometimes it's nice to sit back, unwind, and wipe the tears from your eyes while you laugh maniacally. That's why we've compiled a list of the best sitcoms to watch on Netflix. Read more ? Well, what if it really was? For Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey), the only reality he has known since childhood has been a reality invented by a visionary director (Ed Harris).

Everything in Truman's world is fake, from the carefully positioned brand name products his wife continues to promote, to the tragic drowning death of his own father. Truman happily goes about his daily life, until small events begin to happen that gradually make him paranoid about the reality of the world around him.

The lesson: Some things in life cannot be written, like the human thirst for adventure and the search for love.

5. Looking for a friend for the end of the world [No longer available]

You'd think an asteroid hurtling towards Earth (which is about as bad as the next zombie apocalypse How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse If you personally think the zombie apocalypse is overdue or not going to happen), wouldn't you? is it worth being prepared? Read More

After the announcement that an asteroid will end all life on the planet, an insurance salesman named Dodge (Steve Carell) discovers that his wife wants nothing to do with him and immediately leaves him. On the brink of inevitable depression, Dodge runs into her eccentric young neighbor, Penny (Keira Knightley), who hands him a letter left by her lost crush on her.

Once Kiera learns that Dodge hopes to find her lost love, she joins him on a road trip that will leave them both forever changed...or at least until the asteroid hits... /p>

The lesson: It's never too late to find your true love..

6. Extremely loud and incredibly close [no longer available]

If there is a single movie to watch that will tug at your heartstrings while giving you a whole new perspective on life, this is it.

Oskar Schell (Thomas Horn) is an incredibly imaginative young man who tragically loses his father (Tom Hanks) in the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. Throughout Oskar's childhood, his father had always taken him on great adventures around the city..

To Oskar, it made sense that his father's death, and the mysterious key he found in his father's closet, would become the last, and greatest, search his father sent him...

En su incansable búsqueda por la ciudad del mensaje final de su padre, Oskar descubre muchas verdades sobre sus abuelos, sobre su madre y sobre la pérdida de su padre..

La leccion: A veces, la parte más difícil de buscar respuestas sobre una tragedia es aceptar que algunas cosas no tienen respuestas.

7. Fenómeno

Imagina que un tipo normal, un mecánico de autos, recibe una luz inusual del cielo y comienza a desarrollar poderes paranormales. Esto es exactamente lo que le sucede a George Malley (John Travolta) en este drama de 1996.

El primero de george “potestades” Son inteligencia extraordinaria. Entonces, descubre que en realidad puede mover objetos solo con su mente. Después de demostrar sus nuevos poderes en el bar de la ciudad, George se convierte en la comidilla de la ciudad. A medida que se corre la voz, incluso el gobierno se interesa por George y sus habilidades especiales..

Desafortunadamente, con esos poderes viene una revelación desconcertante de su médico (Robert Duvall), que tiene un tumor cerebral. Esta revelación pone a George en un nuevo camino:uno donde busca cosas más importantes en la vida, como el amor..

La leccion: No debería llevar un golpe en la cabeza, o un diagnóstico fatal, para que finalmente nos demos cuenta de qué (y quién) es verdaderamente importante en nuestras vidas..

Encontrar significado en las películas

No todas las películas tienen un significado más profundo. Hay comedias oscuras brillantes que no debes tomar muy en serio, y comedias románticas para las personas enamoradas Las mejores comedias románticas en Netflix Ahora mismo Las mejores comedias románticas en Netflix Ahora mismo Netflix tiene docenas de comedias románticas. Pero, ¿cuáles son realmente vale la pena ver? Read more.

Sin embargo, algunas películas tienen la capacidad de adentrarse profundamente en tu mente y corazón, y permanecer contigo toda la vida. Y posiblemente cambie su perspectiva de la vida en el proceso. Para encontrar más de ellos, eche un vistazo a algunos de los mejores sitios de recomendación de películas. 5 Sitios de recomendación de películas para buscar nuevas películas para ver o Transmisión. 5 Sitios de recomendación de películas para encontrar nuevas películas para ver o transmitir. Si está de humor para una película. de un programa de televisión, estos sitios de recomendación te ayudarán a encontrar la opción correcta. Read more.

¿Has visto alguna de las películas inspiradoras en esta lista? Si es así, ¿alguno de ellos cambió tu vida de una manera profunda? ¿Qué otras películas han cambiado la forma en que te acercas a la vida??